About Us
Welcome to the Movement Science Lab in the Physical Therapy department at Tel Aviv University. Our lab is dedicated to exploring the science behind human movement and its effects on the body. We use cutting-edge technology and research techniques to gain insight into how we can improve movement and prevent injuries.

Prof. Dario G. Liebermann
Prof. Dario G. Liebermann is the co-director of the Movement Science Lab. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy.

Prof. Jason Friedman
Prof. Jason Friedman is the co-director of the Movement Sciences Lab. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy, and a member of the Sagol School of Neuroscience. His research focuses on motor control and motor learning of the upper limbs, with an interest on how we can speed up processes of motor learning, how slow movements are produced, and how movement primitives can be combined to produce complex movements.
Ph.D students

Hammam Atrash, a Ph.D. candidate, is researching ways to accelerate motor learning. Applying Inverse Optimal Control and machine learning techniques, his initial focus is on piano playing, with plans to extend the study to tennis in a virtual reality setting.

Ranin Hleihil, a Ph.D .candidate, is researching strategies for motor learning by focusing on the development of coordination in different types of hand coordination in children with brain injury compared to children with typical development.
M.Sc students
Ruth Bechar: Kinematic characterization of clavicular motion patterns in Shoulder Impingement Syndrome and other pathologies: A comparative study
Atara Hubara: Normal development of hand coordination and the relationship to hand function
Avia Giterman (OT): Effect of botox injections on finger individuation
Co-supervsitors: Dr. Yafi Levanon, Occupational therapy dept., and Dr. Manuel Zwecker, MD: Department of Neurological Rehabilitation, Sheba Medical Center
Alona Korakin: Cognitive-motor interactions
Co-supervisor: Prof. Meir Plotnik, Center for Advanced Technologies, Sheba Medical Center
Shaked Lev: Split-belt treadmill training after hip fracture
Co-supervisor: Prof. Meir Plotnik, Center for Advanced Technologies, Sheba Medical Center
Layla Esa: Kinematic factors in the acquisition of sign language
Afnan Mhana: Analysis of TMS effects on upper-limb movement kinematics
Co-supervisor: Dr. Nachum Soroker, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital
Yael Magen: Rectus Femoris muscle-tendon unit function during gait
Co-supervisor: Dr. Simon Schless, Alyn hospital
Naama Livney: Proximal and Distal Coordination of the Upper Extremity
Roy Brisken: Time course of transition to automaticity in a de novo motor learning task of bimanual mapping
Stav Shviro: Is the thickness of the deep fascia of the forearm negatively correlated with control at the wrist joint?
Lab Alumni
Dr. Konstantin Sonkin: Development of a multimodal (IMU and EEG) Human-Computer Interface providing a new instrument for control of devices and motor activity training for patients with motor disorders
Dr. Hila Tamir-Ostrover: Improving dexterity of people with Parkinson's disease using piano practice
Dr. Maor Rosenberg: Speeding up learning to play the piano, and inverse reinforcement learning
Justine Raz: Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Learning of the Upper Limb in Sub-Acute Stroke Patients Identifying the Optimal Stimulation Mode with Reference to Lesion Size and Location [2020]
Co-supervisor: Dr. Nachum Soroker, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital & Dept. Rehabilitation Medicine, TAU
Silvi Frenkel-Toledo: Links between Action Observation and Execution in Stroke Patients: Investigating the Mechanism and Possible Therapeutic Effects. [2014]
Co-supervisors: Dr. N. Soroker, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital; Prof. Shlomo Bentin (dec.), Hebrew University
Ortal Atias (M.Sc.PT): Gait synergies in children with acquired brain injury [2024]
Co-supervisor: Dr. Simon Schless, Alyn hospital
Mirna Daw (M.Sc.PT): Selective voluntary motor control [2024]
Co-supervisor: Dr. Simon Schless, Alyn hospital
Aryeh Friedman (M.Sc.PT): Immediate changes in gait asymmetry amongst children and adolescents with unilateral cerebral palsy following split belt gait training [2023]
Co-supervisor: Dr. Simon Schless, Alyn hospital
Maera Scholar (M.Sc.PT): The effect of reward on motor learning amongst children [2023]
Sapir Schwartz (M.Sc.PT): Differences between haptic and visual feedback in spatial- temporal parameters of learning in young and older adults [2023]
Yasmin Gihleb (M.Sc.PT): The Effects of Self Action Observation vs. Other Action Observation on Motor Learning in the Upper Limb 2023]
Adi Wilson (M.Sc. PT): The effect of visual feedback on kinematic features during point-to-point hand reaching movements in healthy individuals and in patients with different types of primary dystonia [2019]
Naama Shlomai (M.Sc.PT): Motor learning in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy in the nine-hole peg test [2019]
Morane Meimoun (M.Sc): Characterization of mild, moderate and severe stroke patients’ responsiveness to non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) interventions over the affected hemisphere coupled with personalized training
Co-supervisors: Dr. Nachum Soroker, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital & Dept. Rehabilitation Medicine, TAU; Dr. Silvi Frenkel-Toledo, Ariel University
Oryan Zacks (M.Sc Sagol): Motor learning using analogies [2019]
Anat Blaier (M.Sc.PT): Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on grip force release in sub-acute stroke patients [2019]
Co-supervisor: Dr. Nachum Soroker, Loewenstein hospital & Dept. Rehabilitation Medicine, TAU
Katie Woolf Zuckerman (M.Sc.PT): The effect of visual feedback and diversion of attention in patients with dystonia, during point-to-point reaching movements [2018]
Co-supervisor: Prof. Sharon Hassin, Sheba Medical Center
Renana Adani (M.Sc.PT): Involvement of the Autonomic Nervous System in Motor Adaptation in the Elderly [2018]
Mika Ben David Bauch (M.Sc.PT): Effects of postural configuration on upper limb performance [2018]
Guy Bezalel (M.Sc.PT): Voluntary step execution under single and dual task conditions, in patients with knee osteoarthritis, and in healthy older adults. Comparing symptomatic and non-symptomatic legs [2018]
Co-supervisor: Dr. Meir Plotnik, Sheba Medical Center
Adam Grinberg (M.Sc.PT): Landing without visual input: Motor learning of internal compensatory strategies [2017]
Osnat Peled-Snir (M.Sc. OT): Comparison of Conventional versus Virtual Reality Treatment for Reaching Ability in Patients with Chronic CVA. [2010]
Co-supervisors: Prof. T. Weiss – U of Haifa; Prof. M. Levin, McGill University
Dafnah Niv (M.Sc.): Changes in the postural set as a consequence of prism adaptation in Stroke patients suffering of Contraversive Pushing Syndrome. [2008]
Co-supervisor: Dr. Nachum Soroker, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital
Shani Lev (M.Sc.): Transient adaptation effects on posture as a result of vibratory stimulation on neck muscles in Stroke patients suffering of Contraversive Pushing Syndrome. [2008]
Co-supervisor: Dr. N. Soroker, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital
Ilana Shor (M.Sc.): The formation of postural coordinative structures as a function of oscillatory destabilizing factors: mechanical or neurally-driven adaptations? [2007]
Shlomit Oron (M.Sc.): The formation of postural preparatory actions as a function of attention, motivation and cognitive factors. [2007].
Hemda Rotem (M.Sc.): The Effect of Passive Standing on Muscle Tone and Upper Extremity Function in Children with Upper Motor Neuron lesion. [2006]
Co-supervisor: Dr. M. Katz-Leuer
Etziona Eizenstein (M.Sc.): Effect of home training protocols on functional mobility of children with severe and moderate post-trauma brain signs and within 1-3 years from injury. [2006]
Co-supervisor: Dr. M. Katz-Leuer
Tal Krasovsky (M.Sc.): Objective evaluation of quality of motion based on extrinsic hand kinematic characteristics during three-dimensional movements with constant radius of rotation. [2006]
Ruth Bechar (M.Sc.): Proprioceptive threshold and postural sensation of the shoulder joint pre- and post-operative to gleno-humeral luxation in patients with and without neural signs versus normal counterparts. [2006]
Co-supervisor: Dr. M. Peri (Pristch), Sheba Medical Center
Genia Berger (M.Sc.), Effects of isometric muscle strength augmented by superimposed vibratory stimulation. [2005]
Merav Nachum (M.Sc.), Lower-limbs postural reactions to sudden changes in the base of support during standing in post-CVA patients. [2004]
Co-supervisor: Dr. O. Keren, Sheba Medical Center
MD research projects
Ofir Uri (MD, Research Project in Orthopedics): Shoulder Proprioception Following Open and Arthroscopic Instability Repair [2010]
Co-supervisors: Dr. M. Peri (Pristch); Dr. A. Oran, Sheba Medical Center
Harel Arzi (M.D. Research Project. Orthopedic surgery): 3 Dimensional shoulder movement profile in patients suffering recurrent dislocations of the shoulder before and after surgery. [2006]
Co-supervisor: Dr. M. Peri (Pristch), Sheba Medical Center